My Wine Guide

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The 21st Century Wine List - Ten Traits

We’re 20 years into the 21st Century, but in posture and practice, the 21st Century started in March of 2020. When it comes to wine consumption, Covid19 hasn’t changed the world’s flourishing interest in wine, which is especially true of premium wine. Nonetheless, how consumers select and buy wine has changed substantially. The wine world is going digital, and at a pace which has only been accelerated by the Pandemic.

Then what is the 21st Century Wine List?

1.     Of course, it’s digital, but much, much more

2.     It’s not a passive experience; it engages you proactively

3.     It’s smart; it knows your preferences

4.     Knows where you are on your wine journey - beginning, intermediate or advanced

5.     Gives you options appropriate for your occasion and budget

6.     Makes recommendations based on data-driven matches with personal preferences

7.     Introduces you to new and different wines based on fit with your profile

8.     Remembers and reminds you about the wines you liked and liked – not so much

9.     Suggests and guides you through wine and food pairing decisions

10.    Finally, it educates on grape varieties, wine regions, culture and history.

This same 21st Century Wine List also has 21st Century benefits for the Hospitality world. What is the 21st Century Wine List for restaurants and hospitality businesses of all sizes?

1.     Much less expensive and easier to update than website-based wine lists

2.     Doesn’t require any hardware or software investment - just a QR code

3.     Trains and updates staff instantly as inventory changes

4.     Sells each and every wine objectively and without bias

Simply sells more wine and enhances the guest experience