Wine & Beverage Digital Ordering Solutions
Digital ordering has something for everyone. Its the ultimate convenience for your guests. You gain staff efficiencies as your servers spend more time serving rather than taking orders. Convenience combined with efficiency means more revenue from wine sales.
Simply Sell More Wine and Delight Your Best Customers
It’s 7:00 and one of your best customers has a reservation at 8:00.
Its for a party of four and your customer knows they’ll want a bottle of white and a bottle of red. She places the order from home at 7:15.
And Save Everyone Time
Your Front of House is ready when your customer arrives and confirms the order. The wine is served.
Everyone saved time. Your guests socialize and talk about the food. Your server saved time and is ready to focus on food service.
Let’s have Champagne
Dinner and the wines were a huge success. Your server has cleared and has food waiting to be served to another table.
Your VIP guest proposes a bottle of champagne for the table while they consider deserts.
Your VIP guest places the champagne order using the tablet wine list at the table and the champagne is delivered in time for the desert.
Your Wine List Plus Order and Pay with Today’s Restaurant Technology is a Reality
My Wine Guide makes it easy with out-of-the-box integrations with leading POS systems including: Toast, Oracle/Micros and Agilysys/InfoGenesis.
Give your customers the ultimate convenience, sell more wine, save your staff time and take your wine program to the next level.