My Wine Guide

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My Wine Guide Featured on CIO Insights

My Wine Guide cofounder John Kirst was featured on CIO Insights, a thought leadership magazine and online publication but most of all a space where technology leaders could gather and share their insights. The article highlights the mission of My Wine Guide and how the software can make wine selection easier for the consumer and help restaurants sell more wine. These are just a few features that My Wine Guide offers, but the mission is to create a better wine experience for all.

But the article doesn’t just end at My Wine Guide, it also covers some of the challenges that many new wine consumers face when ordering out at dinner. John explains that consumers may just skip wine and order beer if the choice is too intimidating or opt out and prefer to drink wine at home. One of the best parts of the wine experience is sharing it with others, especially at a restaurant or bar.

“In other words, My Wine Guide is the future of serving and selling wine. And with that, the statement ‘simply sell more wine’ holds. My Wine Guide aims to make – wine – the most profitable item on the menu – simply more approachable.” Yup, CIO Insights has the right idea. That’s exactly what My Wine Guide does. My wine guide helps restaurants and hospitality groups sell more wine through custom recommendations and food pairings, so that the wine experience is seamless for everyone.

You can read the full article here, let us know what you think.