SommOne® Analytics
Data Driven Insights for Wine Programs
Everyday SommOne captures wine list data and insights from over 5,000 restaurants.
SommOne can provide pricing and availability insights plus analysis of customer demographics location by location, and customer personas for both your customer base and available market.
Persona-based Segmentation
SommOne is built on the premise of personas, a long standing consumer product concept.
My Wine Guide’s® patented system and method applies personas to wine consumer segmentation across various wine styles, e.g. red wines, white wines, etc.
Preference Demographics
SommOne analyzes not only past purchase, reviews and ratings data but also personal preference data compiled and structured in a patented algorithm.
This approach leads to a unique customer segmentation insights.
Inventory Optimization
SommOne’s persona-based segmentation can optimize your inventory location by location and region by region.
With SommOne you have the ability to assess the marketability of 250 varietals and blends from over 800 wine regions globally.
Market All of Your Wines and Maximize Your Wine ROI
Once SommOne has helped you optimize your inventory SommOne can help sell each and every one of your wines.
The same persona-based segmentation that helped you select your wines now helps your customers identify the best wines for them in your inventory, especially wines they’ve never tried.
Turn your inventory faster and more evenly.