SommOne Global Wine Database Solutions

If you operate across multiple locations, states and countries you likely have a challenge managing your wine data and merchandizing practices for different markets. Whether Online or In-App your content may vary considerably. Plus there are the limitations of UPC Data.

SommOne can help and simplify these challenges.

One Tool, One Source of Truth

With SommOne you start with One Source of Truth. Build and maintain your own wine database in SommOne by selecting from thousands of wines covering 800 wine regions and 250 varietals/blends. SommOne makes it easy to research available wines by region, varietal, brand/producer, and vintage.

Go Beyond Wine UPC Data

Wine Producer practices vary and wine UPC data is limited. SommOne can enhance your wine merchandizing with content often not found in wine UPC data. For any of your wines SommOne can supplement your UPC data with wine region, varietal/blend, vintage specific tasting notes, wine ratings, expert wine reviews, food and wine pairings and more.

Configure Your Wine Content

SommOne provides you with the tools to flexibly manage your wine content across your different locations and properties. For any given wine listing your merchandising can vary: all the details, less is more or in between. You decide and apply while SommOne’s Global Wine Database is your single source of truth and remains your master wine reference.

No Data Entry

Aside from product/item numbers, or POS codes, there is no data entry with SommOne. All of the wine data and content you need already exists in SommOne’s Global Wine Database.

Experience SommOne Global Wine Database Solutions